Health and Medical Care

Health and Medical Services

This mission of the school children’s health services program is to provide access to preventative and primary health care for children in the Bolivar R-1 school districts. By providing early detection of physical, mental, and emotional needs, we expect to reduce absenteeism and decrease the dropout rate due to health related factors. Bolivar Primary School employs a registered nurse full time to monitor all health needs of students. She promotes good general health by:

  1. Keeping health record data and notifying parents of children’s immunization needs.

  2. Excluding all ill children from school and assisting in obtaining prompt medical care.

  3. Administering first aid to injured students and caring for students who become ill at school until parents can pick them up.

  4. Screening students with special physical needs (vision, hearing, dental).

  5. Promoting a safe and sanitary environment for all students.

  6. Administering prescribed medications to students (see “Medication Policy”).

  7. Coordinating fluoride treatments to those students participating in the program.

  8. The school nurse promotes the improvement of the school health program by:

  • Consulting and assisting teachers with health education.

  • Using films, models, literature and speakers to stress specific health problems.

All students are to go outside at recess unless they have a note from home stating that they are to stay inside. If students do stay inside they will be in study hall.

For specific questions about health concerns or policies please contact the school nurse, Glenda Klostermeyer.


The Bolivar R-I School District School Board recognizes its responsibility to protect the health of students and employees from the risks posed by communicable diseases. The Board also has a responsibility to protect individual privacy, educate all students regardless of medical condition and treat students and employees in a nondiscriminatory manner.


In accordance with law, students cannot attend school without providing satisfactory evidence of immunization, unless they are exempted from immunization.

Universal Precautions

The district requires all staff to routinely employ universal precautions to prevent exposure to disease-causing organisms. The district will provide the necessary equipment and supplies to implement universal precautions.

Categories of Potential Risk

Students or employees with communicable diseases that pose a risk of transmission in school or at school activities (such as, but not limited to, chicken pox, influenza and conjunctivitis) will be managed as required by law and in accordance with guidelines provided by the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) and local county or city health departments. Such management may include, but is not limited to, exclusion from school or reassignment as needed for the health and safety of students and staff. Students or employees infected with chronic communicable diseases that do not pose a risk of transmission in school or at school activities (such as, but not limited to, hepatitis B virus or HIV) shall be allowed to attend school or continue to work without any restrictions based solely on the infection. The district will not require any medical evaluations or tests for such diseases.

Exceptional Situations

There are certain specific types of conditions, such as frequent bleeding episodes or uncoverable, oozing, skin lesions that could potentially be associated with transmission of both bloodborne and nonbloodborne pathogens. In the case of students, certain types of behaviors, such as biting or scratching, may also be associated with transmission of pathogens. Students who exhibit such behaviors or conditions may be educated in an alternative educational setting or, if appropriate, disciplined in accordance with the discipline code. In the case of a student with a disability, the Inpidualized Education Program (IEP) team or 504 team will make any change of placement decisions. Employees who exhibit such conditions will not be allowed to work until the condition is resolved or appropriately controlled in a way that minimizes exposure.


The superintendent or designee shall ensure that confidential student and employee information is protected in accordance with law. Medical information about an inpidual, including an inpidual with HIV, will only be shared with district employees who have a reasonable need to know the identity of the inpidual in order to provide proper health care or educational services. Examples of people who may need to know a student's medical information are the school nurse and the IEP or 504 team if applicable. An example of an inpidual who may need to know an employee's medical information is the employee's immediate supervisor, if accommodations are necessary.

All medical records will be maintained in accordance with law and Board policy. Breach of confidentiality may result in disciplinary action, including termination.

Reporting and Disease Outbreak Control

Reporting and disease outbreak control measures will be implemented in accordance with state and local law, DHSS rules governing the control of communicable diseases and other diseases dangerous to public health, and any applicable rules distributed by the appropriate county or city health department.


Missouri state law provides that superintendents who supply a copy of this policy, adopted by the district Board of Education, to DHSS shall be entitled to confidential notice of the identity of any district student reported to DHSS as HIV-infected and known to be enrolled in the district. Missouri law also requires the parent or guardian to provide such notice to the superintendent.


The school does not routinely perform school-wide head lice screenings. However, should multiple cases be reported, the school nurse will identify the population of students must likely to have been exposed and arrange to have that population of student examined. If the nurse discovers head lice, the parent/guardian of that student will be notified, and other students who reside with the infected student will also be checked. The school nurse will instruct the parent/guardian on shampoos and appropriate treatments than can be purchased to eliminate head lice or nits. If a student is infected with live head lice, the student should not return to school until the next day after the discovery of the head lice to allow for treatment. When a student returns they must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and will be screened by the school nurse before returning to class. If head lice are found at that time, the parent/guardian will again be given instructions and the student will be excluded from school until the next day to allow for additional treatment. This process will continue until the student is free of head lice. A student who was identified as having nits but not a live head lice infestation will be re-examined within five calendar days of the initial identification and the parents will again be instructed regarding treatment. This process will continue until the student is free of nits. The school nurse will keep accurate and confidential records of students inflected with head lice or nits. 

If it appears the parent/guardian of an infested student is failing to secure timely treatment for the infestation after having been given notice of the existence of head lice or nits, the nurse will notify the school principal or Care Team. The school based Social Service Worker may follow up with parents as necessary and may report the matter to the Children’s Division of the Department of Social Services if appropriate. The school nurse will develop education programs regarding the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of head lice for staff, students, parents and the community.


The school nurse is responsible for the daily health assessments of students sent to the office due to concerns being expressed by the child or the child’s teacher. A health assessment will be made and the nurse shall make a decision regarding whether the child should remain at school. A child may be sent home for one or more of the following reasons:

  1. Temperature of 100 or more

  2. Vomiting

  3. Rash with accompanying symptoms

  4. Pain along with other symptoms

  5. Injuries-including burns, head injuries, lacerations, sprains

  6. Seizures

  7. Anaphylaxis

  8. General signs and symptoms of illness-headaches, stomachaches, etc.

  9. Diarrhea

  10. Symptoms of pink eye

  11. Severe itching of the body or scalp

  12. Head lice

  13. Childhood Disease (chickenpox, fifth disease)

Parents will be notified by phone if their child is exhibiting any of the above symptoms or is injured at school and needs to be taken home. If a child has had a minor injury during the course of the day, a note will be sent home or a phone call will be made by the nurse to inform parents of the situation. It is very important that the school has the most current phone number and address for parents along with an emergency contact number in the event a child is ill or injury. Children sent home due to illness should not return until they are released by a

physician or have been fever/symptom free for a 24- hour period.


All students attending district schools are required to be in compliance with state programs mandating immunization against specific diseases. Failure to comply with District immunization requirements will result in exclusion from school until proof of compliance is provided. 


It is the policy of the Board of Education that the giving of medicine to students during school hours be discouraged and restricted to medication that cannot be given on an alternative schedule. It is recognized that some students may require medication for short-term illness/injury during the school day to enable them to remain in school. Policy for dispensing medication during the school day:

  1. Only prescription medication will be given by school personnel. No over the counter medication

  2. (including cough medicine, Tylenol, or any non-prescription medication) will be given unless prescribed by a doctor.

  3. Medicine prescribed by a doctor must be in a prescription bottle and should include the student’s name, date, name of medication and specific instructions, and name of doctor prescribing the medication. Your pharmacist can give you an extra labeled bottle to use for medication sent to school.

  4. The appropriate form must be completed by the physician and the parent/guardian and must accompany the medication. A medication form must be renewed every school year.

  5. All medication must be brought to school by an adult. No medication shall be transported on the school bus.

  6. It should not be necessary to give more than one dose of medication per day during a six-hour school day. Your physical may be able to schedule all doses of medication to be taken at home. Exceptions should be arranged with school personnel.

  7. PLEASE DO NOT SEND MORE THAN ONE WEEK’S SUPPLY OF MEDICINE AT ONE TIME. Students on long-term medication should contact the school nurse.

  8. Student with chronic conditions requiring medication for emergencies should have their medication properly labeled as listed above. Specific written instructions must be provided as to when and under what circumstances medication is to be given. This information should be provided and signed by the student’s physician annually.


The Board of Education requires its staff members to comply with the state child abuse and neglect laws and the mandatory reporting of suspected neglect and/or abuse. Any school official or employee acting in his or her official capacity who knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been subjected to abuse or neglect, or who observes the child being subjected to conditions or circumstances that would reasonably result in abuse or neglect, will immediately make a report to the school principal or designee, including any report of excessive absences that may indicate educational neglect. The school principal or designee will then become responsible for making a report via the Child Abuse Hotline to the CD (Children’s Division of Family Services), as required by law. This policy does not preclude any employee from directly reporting abuse or neglect to the CD. However, the school official or employee must notify the school principal or designee immediately after making a report.


One of the primary goals of the Bolivar R-I School District’s wellness program is to promote student health, reduce student overweight/obesity, facilitate student learning of lifelong healthy habits, and increase student achievement. The following procedures will be followed:

  1. Wellness Policy Procedures (Instructional Day)

  • Academic and individual rewards

  • Classroom parties, celebrations and fundraising guidelines

  • Encourage a variety of choices in the classroom to recognize achievement.

  • When food is offered, single serving sizes will be given.

  • All food provided will be pre-packaged with ingredients on the food label.

  • Emphasis should be placed on non-food rewards.

  • Food items cannot be homemade, due to the possibility of food allergies.

  1. Ala Carte Policy

  • Meet minimum Missouri Eat Smart Guidelines

  • Fifty percent (50%) of food items offered do not contain more than 35% of total calories from fat.

  • Fifty percent (50%) of beverages offered will be water, milk, or juice.

  1. Beverage Machine Policy

  • Fifty percent (50%) of beverage machines per building will include non-caloric, non-carbonated items such as water, juice, sports drinks, lemonades, and teas. (Note: the beverage machine is not accessible to Bolivar Primary students).

  1. Snack Vending Machine Policy

  • Fifty percent (50%) of items will contain 35% or less of fat calories. (Note: the snack machine is not accessible to Bolivar Primary students).